Hi list,

has anyone ever experimented to "melt down" the php engine to a few hundred KBs ?
By leaving out not needed libraries/functions ?

What i am searching for is a very small webserver (exists) and a very small php-engine
through which the webserver can process php-scripts.

We want to use it for demos.
We are developing dynamic files, but to create demos and send them to the client as as
zipped HTML we always have to rewrite things in html-hardcode or a type of 

if we had a php-engine of about 500 kB, a webserver of 200 kB and 100 kB scripts & 
we could pack a whole, self-executing dynamic webpage demo into an e-Mail-attachement 
of 800 kB.

We don't want to send a full Apache and MySQL and PHP engine binaries of about 25 megs 
via e-Mail.
Or Oracle ..

Has anyone ever done something like this ?


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