At 23:00 12.11.2002, Mike MacDonald said:
>Hi People ! (Diagram below in text)

Hi! I like your graphics, esp. the folded corner ;-)

>I'm interested in thoughts on how to effect the equivalent of Router 
>Network Address Translation for a PHP page.
>The feature that are important are:
>     o Can process forms
>     o Can pass images
>     o Can manage relative HREFs
>     o Least invasive to the end user
>I've tried PHP Proxy and it works fine for basic pages but Scott 
>thinks that it needs work to do forms.
>Along with this I'm just wondering if we can intercept the header at a 
>level and just simply rewrite the port  -- or is this dumb thinking?

I'd either go with a _real_ NAT on the proxy host, or, if I must use PHP
for whatever reason (which will be slower than a kaernel-based NAT) I'd
think of using CUrl to transparently handle post data as well as URI-based

One last word - I hope the forms you are targetting remotely are your
own... "handling" foreign forms and web pages could be interpreted as
stealing; one might easily get into a copyright violation.

   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)    ICQ #13394035

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