>     That's the way the language designers did it, and there's LOTS of
> PRODUCTION code out
> there that uses it.
>     See also the precedence of PERL.

Well, perl and PHP use the $ for slightly different reasons, it seems.
In perl, the *thing* in front of a variable name ($, @, %) indicates
what context the variable is being used in (scalar, list, hash).
Depending on what you want your variable to do, using a different
character makes all the difference.  The leading character is not a part
of the variable name.

PHP seems to use the $ more for readability, and possibly for making the
language easier to parse (and, of course, the aforementioned
string-embedding).  Since all variable types (scalars, arrays, objects)
seem to use the $, it seems more for syntactic uses and less as
something that changes how the object behaves.

However, I like having it there.  It (as someone else mentioned) helps
me quickly see where variables are used, both in and out of strings.  It
also probably helps syntax-highlighting text editors read the code more
quickly, although it may be just as easy without.

All I know is when I think back to programming C++, I can't imagine how
I could deal with variables that didn't have something in front of them
to separate them from barewords.

Oh well.

[ joel boonstra | [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

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