foreach( $array AS $d2 )
   $string .= implode('', $d2) . "\n";


René Fournier wrote:
> The docs don't seem to discuss this... Or maybe I'm looking in the wrong
> place. Anyway, I want to convert a multidimensional array back to the
> tab-delimited format it began as ("\t" separating fields, "\n"
> seperating records/rows)...  Any ideas???
> ....Rene
> ---
> René Fournier,
> Toll-free +1.888.886.2754
> Tel +1.403.291.3601
> Fax +1.403.250.5228
> SmartSlitters International
> #33, 1339 - 40th Ave NE
> Calgary AB  T2E 8N6
> Canada

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