Hiya people,

I want to install some extensions like PDF and XSLT, curl etc. I have
the GD libary installed in my php.ini like this: 


When i try to un quote the other extensions and restart Apache i get
errors, that he could load this extension. Also i have done this in my
php.ini :

; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
extension_dir = "C:\Program Files\PHP\extensions" 

, is this alright? If i look at my phpinfo(); it does show those
extensions but stil i get errors. I use Windows XP home with Apache
2.0.40 and PHP 4.2.3 installed as a apache(sapi) module. Can anyone help
me, any help is apreciated. Also wich extensions should i use or wich
are most commonly used? Thanks already...

Best regards,
Davy Obdam

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