or.. if there can be only one instance of the number you can easily calculate it's 
position with


and strpos($numbers, "1");

if strlen returns 5 and strpos 5 you'll know it was far right.. if strpos returns 1 
and strlen >1 it's to the left.. and if strpos < strlen but not 1 it's in the middle.. 

On Sat, 16 Nov 2002 00:04:50 +0100
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gustaf Sjoberg) wrote:

>this is probably not at all what you want, but i wrote it just in case.
>function pos1($numbers) {
>        if ($numbers) {
>                if ($numbers == '1')
>                        return "only";
>                if (ereg("^1.+", $numbers))
>                        return "left";
>                if (ereg(".+1$", $numbers))
>                        return "right";
>                if (ereg(".+(1).+", $numbers))
>                        return "middle";
>        }
>        return false;
>$text = "3, 2, 1, 4";
>if pos1($text)
>        echo pos1($text);
>if 1 is in the string it will return either "middle", "left", "right" or "only".. if 
>it is not it will return false.
>On Fri, 15 Nov 2002 08:49:23 -0800 (PST)
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mako Shark) wrote:
>>I have a real problem that I can't seem to figure out.
>>I need an ereg pattern to search for a certain string
>>(below). All this is being shelled to a Unix grep
>>command because I'm looking this up in very many
>>I've made myself a <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" tag> that
>>contains in the value attribute a list of
>>comma-delimited numbers. I need to find if a certain
>>number is in these tags (and each file contains one
>>tag). I need an ereg statement that will let me search
>>these lines to see if a number exists, obviously in
>>the beginning or the end or the middle or if it's the
>>only number in the list. Here's what I mean (searching
>>for number 1):
>><INPUT TYPE = "HIDDEN" NAME = "numbers" VALUE =
>>"1,2,3,4,5">   //beginning
>><INPUT TYPE = "HIDDEN" NAME = "numbers" VALUE =
>>"0,1,2,3,4,5">   //middle
>><INPUT TYPE = "HIDDEN" NAME = "numbers" VALUE =
>>"5,4,3,2,1">   //end
>><INPUT TYPE = "HIDDEN" NAME = "numbers" VALUE = "1">  
>> //only
>>This is frustrating me, because each solution I come
>>up with doesn't work. Here is my grep/ereg statement
>>so far:
>>$commanumberbeginning = "[[0-9]+,]*"; //this allows 0
>>or more numbers before it, and if there are any, they
>>must have 1 or more digits followed by a comma
>>$commanumberend = "[,[0-9]+]*"; // this allows 0 or
>>more numbers after it, and if there are any, they must
>>have a comma followed by 1 or more digits
>>$ereg-statement=$commanumberbeginning .
>>$numbertosearchfor . $commanumberbeginning;
>>//$numbertosearchfor will be obtained through a select
>>control in a form
>>grep '<INPUT TYPE = "HIDDEN" NAME = "numbers" VALUE =
>>"$ereg-statement">' *.html
>>This problem is kicking my butt. Any help?
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