
First I would look at breaking out the tags:

    // User: JohnDoe; age=32; nickname="Billy 'the' Kid"; haircolor=orange;

    $string = 'User: JohnDoe; age=32; nickname="Billy \'the\' Kid";
    $stringArray = preg_split('/;/', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

Then split by the = or :

    // split by = or :

    foreach ($stringArray as $item) {
        list($tag, $element) = preg_split('/\:|\=/', $item, 1,
        echo "$tag => $element<br />";


"Orangehairedboy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I am trying to learn more about regular expressions as I haven't used them
> much in the past. I am working with email, and I'm looking for a way to
> split the following expression up:
> Content-Type: text/plain; boundary="whatever";
> Using   "/^(\S+)\:\s*(.+)$/iU"   I can split it into:
> [Content-Type] and [text/plain; boundary="whatever";]
> Problem is, it might have different tags. Here's a sketch of the whole
> thing:
> [Header Name a-zA-Z0-9] [\s*] [:] [\s*] [ Header value a-zA-Z0-9/_ ] [\s*]
> [;] [ unlimited repeating pattern of ( [Property Name a-zA-Z0-9] [\s*] [=]
> [\s*] ( string optionally surrounded by quotes - but necessary if value
> spaces - but can't include quotes ) [\s*] [;] ) ]
> So, if I had:
> User: JohnDoe; age=32; nickname="Billy 'the' Kid"; haircolor=orange;
> I would need:
> User - "JohnDoe" - age - "32" - nickname - "Billy 'the' Kid" - haircolor -
> "orange"
> in the outputted array. I have no idea how to do repeating patterns like
> this...maybe I'm making this too complex?
> Thanks for your help!
> Lewis

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