
"@ Nilaab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello to all,
> I don't know about some of you, but I think PHP and the rest of the whole
> open-source movement is the coolest thing in the world. I also personally
> think it takes a lot of effort and courage to make a transition from
> proprietory Windows Apps (Windows OS, SQL Server, IIS, VB, etc.), which
> Microsoft pays an exaustive amount of money to keep people addicted to it,
> to something like Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP, or better known as LAMP, which
> almost a whole different world. For this reason, we need to be more
> toward newbies. I'm not trying to bring about a debate on Open Source vs
> Microsoft, so let's not turn this into a bloody mess. I'm making use of
> best of both worlds when I can. It's like the saying, "I like the product,
> but I don't like the government behind the product".
> The reason for this mail is because I've seen a lot of
> towards newbies recently, and this bad trend will grow and we will
> eventually scare them away from even giving PHP a chance. There are nicer
> ways to say, "You big dummy, look in the archives and stop filling up my
> mailbox with useless questions that have already been answered here
> (an exaggeration). If a newbie overlooked the documentation, put on a good
> helpful face and point them to the URL that can help them. If it's not in
> the documentation and it seems like a simple answer, don't belittle them
> with snobbish remarks. Don't be mean. Mean people suck. One day these
> newbies will be in your position and they might help you out with a
> difficult problem.
> Anyway, my two cents worth. And again, please don't turn this into a
> debate...
> - Nilaab

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