This was a very professional statement.
90% of the time when I ask for help on a certain topic.
I usally get my answer when I spell out what im trying to say.
Although sometimes when you don't know what to ask, it becomes a
difficult question
And you get the treatment like you are a rookie. 
I think experience php people should try there hardest to help out if
they know the answer
And to try to read between the lines once in awhile.
Maybe that person has exhausted all resources, or they don't know how to
find the information 
Which I have come across once or twice in my google days.
PHP Noobie
Hello to all,
I don't know about some of you, but I think PHP and the rest of the
whole open-source movement is the coolest thing in the world. I also
personally think it takes a lot of effort and courage to make a
transition from proprietory Windows Apps (Windows OS, SQL Server, IIS,
VB, etc.), which Microsoft pays an exaustive amount of money to keep
people addicted to it, to something like Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP, or
better known as LAMP, which is almost a whole different world. For this
reason, we need to be more lenient toward newbies. I'm not trying to
bring about a debate on Open Source vs Microsoft, so let's not turn this
into a bloody mess. I'm making use of the best of both worlds when I
can. It's like the saying, "I like the product, but I don't like the
government behind the product".
The reason for this mail is because I've seen a lot of
not-so-good-treatment towards newbies recently, and this bad trend will
grow and we will eventually scare them away from even giving PHP a
chance. There are nicer ways to say, "You big dummy, look in the
archives and stop filling up my mailbox with useless questions that have
already been answered here before" (an exaggeration). If a newbie
overlooked the documentation, put on a good helpful face and point them
to the URL that can help them. If it's not in the documentation and it
seems like a simple answer, don't belittle them with snobbish remarks.
Don't be mean. Mean people suck. One day these newbies will be in your
position and they might help you out with a difficult problem.
Anyway, my two cents worth. And again, please don't turn this into a
- Nilaab
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