
your missing some brackets  "[]"!
this should work better:
 <td><input type="checkbox" name="val[]" value="a" /> AAA</td>
 <td><input type="checkbox" name="val[]" value="s" /> SSS</td>


> Hello;
> I want to do that:
>   I have two checkboxes:
>     if first one is checked assign the value as a;
>     if first one is checked assign the value as s;
>     if both of them checked assign th value as as
>        and insert the result db;
> the html code:
> ...
> <tr>
>  <td><input type="checkbox" name="val" value="a" /> AAA</td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
>  <td><input type="checkbox" name="val" value="s" /> SSS</td>
> </tr>
> ...
> and the PHP code:
> $eval='';
> if(isset($val)){
>    if(isset($val[0]) && isset($val[1])) $eval="as";
>    if(isset($val[0]) && !isset($val[1])) $eval="a";
>    if(!isset($val[0]) && isset($val[1])) $eval="s";
> $sql="insert into maillist (ID, postmeth) values ('$id_no','$eval')";
> $result=mysql_query($sql);
> if(!$result) echo("ERROR");
> }
> I can't understand what is wrong;
> Thanks everybody....

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