Thanks to Paul and Marek for some ksort() advice. I'll
try that out as soon as I can count() these buggers.

A little more info on my count()ing.
I have $issue[0]["number"] to $issue[x]["number"] just
like any other multidimensional array (we'll call them
m-arrays for simplicity).

If I try to count($issue), I'll get all instances of
my array (instances?) mltipled by the number of
elements (don't know if this includes NULLs or not,
don't have NULLs). If I try to count($issue[]), it'll
give me the number of elements (8), which is also not
correct. If I try to count($issue[]["number"]) it says
I can't pass that to the count() function (which is
logical). But it leaves me with no way of count()ing
my instances.

My problem is I need to loop through these. So I can't
just assume that the count is count($issue[]) divided
by 8, because that won't work in a for loop. I suppose
I could just iterate through my for loop in jumps of
8, but that seems really hacky and unintuitive to
whomever has to figure out my code when I'm gone.

If there's a kcount(), I'm all for it. :)

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