php-general Digest 2 Dec 2002 13:33:15 -0000 Issue 1739

Topics (messages 126660 through 126712):

Re: Disable refresh?
        126660 by: Larry Brown
        126661 by: Martin Towell
        126663 by: Larry Brown
        126683 by: Ernest E Vogelsinger
        126686 by: phpnew_bocket
        126698 by: Marek Kilimajer

Re: [PHP-INST] OS X and Curl Issues
        126662 by: Randall Perry

Re: XTemplate
        126664 by: Oleg Krogius

Passing arguments to the same script
        126665 by: Troy May
        126666 by: John W. Holmes
        126667 by: Troy May
        126668 by: Kyle Gibson
        126669 by: Chris Wesley
        126670 by: John W. Holmes
        126671 by: Jonathan Sharp
        126672 by: Jonathan Sharp
        126673 by: Troy May
        126674 by: Troy May
        126704 by: Marek Kilimajer

header() and target page
        126675 by: Jami
        126676 by: John W. Holmes
        126688 by: phpnew_bocket

Re: includes & globals
        126677 by: Cesar Aracena
        126678 by: Tom Rogers
        126689 by: Marek Kilimajer

Why all the returned emails from this list?
        126679 by: Troy May

Dynamically Adding methods to an object
        126680 by: Brian Takita

some data output formatting and grouping question...
        126681 by: Victor
        126682 by: Bastian Vogt
        126693 by: Marek Kilimajer

page auto reload after new window closed
        126684 by: Michael P. Carel
        126685 by: Ernest E Vogelsinger
        126691 by: Marek Kilimajer

Re: last updated ?
        126687 by: Chris Hewitt

How do I run a command as root?
        126690 by: Luke van Blerk
        126692 by: Luke van Blerk
        126694 by: John Wards
        126695 by: Jon Haworth
        126696 by: Marek Kilimajer
        126697 by: Matthieu Le Corre

Failed php module load
        126699 by: bob pilly
        126712 by: Ford, Mike               [LSS]

Newbie Question
        126700 by: hacook
        126701 by: Jon Haworth

How to get/wait for user-input?
        126702 by: Martin Thoma
        126703 by: Marek Kilimajer

PHP and WebDAV
        126705 by:

Cache caches anyway, regardless
        126706 by: Elmota Abdul Ayyash
        126708 by: Justin French

Who can tell me the best php-base webmail?
        126707 by:
        126710 by: Jon Haworth

Re: Date problem
        126709 by: Rosen

Re: Sessions not written to db on windows...
        126711 by: Ford, Mike               [LSS]


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--- Begin Message ---
If not, is there a variable that provides information that a refresh
occurred to load the page?

Larry S. Brown
Dimension Networks, Inc.
(727) 723-8388

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 8:23 PM
To: PHP List
Subject: [PHP] Disable refresh?

Anyone know of a method of preventing a user from refreshing a page.  I get
multiple updates with the same information in my database...

Larry S. Brown
Dimension Networks, Inc.
(727) 723-8388

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
no, no way to disable and no variable to say a refresh happened

one way to get around it is to submit to the page that does the update, then
get that page to do a header("location...") to another page. When the user
refreshes, they'll only refresh the last page, and not the updating page.


-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 12:33 PM
To: PHP List
Subject: RE: [PHP] Disable refresh?

If not, is there a variable that provides information that a refresh
occurred to load the page?

Larry S. Brown
Dimension Networks, Inc.
(727) 723-8388

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 8:23 PM
To: PHP List
Subject: [PHP] Disable refresh?

Anyone know of a method of preventing a user from refreshing a page.  I get
multiple updates with the same information in my database...

Larry S. Brown
Dimension Networks, Inc.
(727) 723-8388

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Thanks guys this forum is going to get me in trouble.  It is so convenient I
keep asking questions too soon.  After submitting the amendment to the
original question I thought of the solution of setting a session variable
and then clearing it before and after the submittal page.  I'll work the
gray matter a little harder next time before asking.  Thanks again.

Larry S. Brown
Dimension Networks, Inc.
(727) 723-8388

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 8:58 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Disable refresh?

> Anyone know of a method of preventing a user from refreshing a page.  I
> get multiple updates with the same information in my database...


You can prevent it multiple ways. Two common solution:

 - When creating form, add a unique id to it in a hidden field.
   After succesful insert put that id into a container table,
   what stores used ids. Before inserting, check the presence of
   that id in that container. You can make unique ids with
   php's uniquid() function, or if mod_unique_id compiled into
   Apache, you can use $_SERVER['UNIQUE_ID'] too. Store expire
   dates too with that ids to be able delete old ids with a

 - Another way: this is easier, but not too elegant. After
   inserting data, send a location header to browser to
   redirect it from that form-processor page to an another.
   After that, refreshing affects that page.

Heilig (Cece) Szabolcs

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
At 02:41 02.12.2002, Martin Towell said:
>no, no way to disable and no variable to say a refresh happened
>one way to get around it is to submit to the page that does the update, then
>get that page to do a header("location...") to another page. When the user
>refreshes, they'll only refresh the last page, and not the updating page.

This will not stop the user from hitting the "Back" button and refreshing
the form... What I do (and it works flawlessly) is to have a serial number
stored in the session data. This serial number, mirrored in form data as a
hidden field, is incremented with each klick the script receives. Thus the
code handling script input is able to determine if the form it just
received is the last form it generated (serial number matches), or is
outdated (serial number mismatches), for what reason ever, be it a refresh
or the user stepping back and resubmitting.

   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)    ICQ #13394035

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
you can use a session :

- start the session when the form is first sent
- destroy the session upon the first valid insert
- subsequent upadates will be prevented since the
session is destroyed..

usually multiple updates happens when the user hits
the submit button several times or upon refreshing the
page ... hence the session method should work fine

good luck !

--- Larry Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Anyone know of a method of preventing a user from
> refreshing a page.  I get
> multiple updates with the same information in my
> database...
> Larry S. Brown
> Dimension Networks, Inc.
> (727) 723-8388
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

Ernest E Vogelsinger wrote:

This will not stop the user from hitting the "Back" button and refreshing
the form...
If the user wants it he can do it even with your method. My point is he don't do it unintentionally, so I
use just the Location method

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Got it working. First I removed every curl binary and library I could find
(had 3 sets, 1 from apple's installation, 1 from my compile, and 1 from a
Fink compile I did).

Then I configured curl to use Apple's paths, made, and installed:

- cd curl-7.10
- ./configure --prefix=/usr
- make
- sudo make install

Then, configure, make php_4.2.3:

- ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-pgsql --with-xml
  --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl --with-pear --with-curl=/usr/lib

> I've got curl 7.10 and am getting the same error on Mac OS 10.2.2 server.
> Here's my config:
> ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-pgsql --with-xml
> --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl --with-pear --with-curl=/usr/lib/curl
> Here's curl:
> [systame:local/src/php-4.2.3] randy% /usr/bin/curl -V
> curl 7.10 (powerpc-apple-darwin6.2) libcurl/7.10 ipv6 zlib/1.1.3
> Here's the error:
> checking for CURL support... yes
> checking for CURL in default path... found in /usr/local
> found in /usr
> checking for cURL 7.9 or greater... configure: error: cURL version 7.9 or
> later is required to compile php with cURL support

Randall Perry

Xserve Web Hosting/Co-location
Website Development/Promotion
Mac Consulting/Sales

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
PHP is a templating system already, don't reinvent the wheel and create
a whole new scripting language (which basically smart is - it just
requires php to work).


-----Original Message-----
From: Henry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 9:02 AM
Subject: XTemplate

Hi All,

I'm looking for a way to seperate my HTML from my PHP and database
code, I pointed in the direction of XTemplate. After having had a look
XTemplate I'm not sure if it is current and stable under PHP 4!!!! Is it
if it isn't is there something better to use?


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: application/pkcs7-signature

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

I'm sure this is easy, but I'm drawing a blank.  I need to have links at the
bottom of the page that passes arguments to the same script (itself) when it
gets reloaded.  How do we do this?

I have the links like this now:

<a href="index.php?samples">

How do I determine what is passed?  I need to do an "if" statement with
different outputs depending on the argument.

if ($samples) { do something }

??  But I can't get anything to work.  How do I do it in PHP? (I have no
forms, just links)

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
> I'm sure this is easy, but I'm drawing a blank.  I need to have links
> the
> bottom of the page that passes arguments to the same script (itself)
> it
> gets reloaded.  How do we do this?
> I have the links like this now:
> <a href="index.php?samples">
> How do I determine what is passed?  I need to do an "if" statement
> different outputs depending on the argument.
> if ($samples) { do something }

{ do something }

---John Holmes...

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Thanks for responding.  I think I'm still doing something wrong.  Take a

if(isset($_GET['questions'])) {
          echo "Questions link content will go here";
elseif(isset($_GET['samples'])) {
          echo "Samples link content will go here";
elseif(isset($_GET['rates'])) {
          echo "Rates link content will be here";
elseif(isset($_GET['contact'])) {
          echo "Contact information will go here.";
            } else {
echo "Main content goes here.";

The only thing that EVER gets displayed is the final else. (Main content
goes here.)  What am I doing wrong?  Once again, the links are in this
format: <a href="index.php?samples">

Any ideas?

-----Original Message-----
From: John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 7:39 PM
To: 'Troy May'; 'PHP List'
Subject: RE: [PHP] Passing arguments to the same script

> I'm sure this is easy, but I'm drawing a blank.  I need to have links
> the
> bottom of the page that passes arguments to the same script (itself)
> it
> gets reloaded.  How do we do this?
> I have the links like this now:
> <a href="index.php?samples">
> How do I determine what is passed?  I need to do an "if" statement
> different outputs depending on the argument.
> if ($samples) { do something }

{ do something }

---John Holmes...

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Thanks for responding.  I think I'm still doing something wrong.  Take a

if(isset($_GET['questions'])) {
          echo "Questions link content will go here";
elseif(isset($_GET['samples'])) {
          echo "Samples link content will go here";
elseif(isset($_GET['rates'])) {
          echo "Rates link content will be here";
elseif(isset($_GET['contact'])) {
          echo "Contact information will go here.";
            } else {
echo "Main content goes here.";

The only thing that EVER gets displayed is the final else. (Main content
goes here.)  What am I doing wrong?  Once again, the links are in this
format: <a href="index.php?samples">

This string merely filles the $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["QUERY_STRING"] variable.

So you should rather check to see if $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["QUERY_STRING"] equals 'questions', 'samples', etc...

$_GET['var'] requires that the link look like this:

<a href="index.php?page=samples">

You could then call $_GET['page'], which would contain the value samples.

Kyle Gibson

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On Sun, 1 Dec 2002, Troy May wrote:

> The only thing that EVER gets displayed is the final else. (Main content
> goes here.)  What am I doing wrong?  Once again, the links are in this
> format: <a href="index.php?samples">

<a href="index.php?samples=1">

To get the desired results with the code you posted, you have to give your
query string parameter(s) a value (as above).  If you don't want to give
samples a value, then examine the query string as a whole:

if( $_SERVER[QUERY_STRING] == "samples" ) ...


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
What PHP version are you using? Try $HTTP_GET_VARS['sample'] if it's an
older version. Also try index.php?sample=1, so that "sample" actually
has a value (although the method I gave you worked on IIS).

---John Holmes...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Troy May [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 11:02 PM
> Subject: RE: [PHP] Passing arguments to the same script
> Thanks for responding.  I think I'm still doing something wrong.  Take
> peek:
> if(isset($_GET['questions'])) {
>           echo "Questions link content will go here";
>                  }
> elseif(isset($_GET['samples'])) {
>           echo "Samples link content will go here";
>                  }
> elseif(isset($_GET['rates'])) {
>           echo "Rates link content will be here";
>                  }
> elseif(isset($_GET['contact'])) {
>           echo "Contact information will go here.";
>             } else {
> echo "Main content goes here.";
> }
> The only thing that EVER gets displayed is the final else. (Main
> goes here.)  What am I doing wrong?  Once again, the links are in this
> format: <a href="index.php?samples">
> Any ideas?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 7:39 PM
> To: 'Troy May'; 'PHP List'
> Subject: RE: [PHP] Passing arguments to the same script
> > I'm sure this is easy, but I'm drawing a blank.  I need to have
> at
> > the
> > bottom of the page that passes arguments to the same script (itself)
> when
> > it
> > gets reloaded.  How do we do this?
> >
> > I have the links like this now:
> >
> > <a href="index.php?samples">
> >
> > How do I determine what is passed?  I need to do an "if" statement
> with
> > different outputs depending on the argument.
> >
> > if ($samples) { do something }
> if(isset($_GET['samples']))
> { do something }
> ---John Holmes...

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I think you\'d want to use:
if ( $_SERVER[\'QUERY_STRING\'] == \'samples\')
    // code

otherwise if you use , set your links as:
<a href=\"index.php?samples=1\">


On Sun, 1 Dec 2002 22:38:54 -0500 Holmes wrote:
> > I\'m sure this is easy, but I\'m drawing a blank.  I need to have links
> at
> > the
> > bottom of the page that passes arguments to the same script (itself)
> when
> > it
> > gets reloaded.  How do we do this?
> > 
> > I have the links like this now:
> > 
> > <a href=\"index.php?samples\">
> > 
> > How do I determine what is passed?  I need to do an \"if\" statement
> with
> > different outputs depending on the argument.
> > 
> > if ($samples) { do something }
> if(isset($_GET[\'samples\']))
> { do something }
> ---John Holmes...
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I think you\'d want to use:
if ( $_SERVER[\'QUERY_STRING\'] == \'samples\')
    // code

otherwise if you use , set your links as:
<a href=\"index.php?samples=1\">


On Sun, 1 Dec 2002 22:38:54 -0500 Holmes wrote:
> > I\'m sure this is easy, but I\'m drawing a blank.  I need to have links
> at
> > the
> > bottom of the page that passes arguments to the same script (itself)
> when
> > it
> > gets reloaded.  How do we do this?
> > 
> > I have the links like this now:
> > 
> > <a href=\"index.php?samples\">
> > 
> > How do I determine what is passed?  I need to do an \"if\" statement
> with
> > different outputs depending on the argument.
> > 
> > if ($samples) { do something }
> if(isset($_GET[\'samples\']))
> { do something }
> ---John Holmes...
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Not sure which version, it's my ISP.

Adding "=1" to the URL worked though.  Thanks!

-----Original Message-----
From: John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 8:08 PM
To: 'Troy May'; 'PHP List'
Subject: RE: [PHP] Passing arguments to the same script

What PHP version are you using? Try $HTTP_GET_VARS['sample'] if it's an
older version. Also try index.php?sample=1, so that "sample" actually
has a value (although the method I gave you worked on IIS).

---John Holmes...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Troy May [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 11:02 PM
> Subject: RE: [PHP] Passing arguments to the same script
> Thanks for responding.  I think I'm still doing something wrong.  Take
> peek:
> if(isset($_GET['questions'])) {
>           echo "Questions link content will go here";
>                  }
> elseif(isset($_GET['samples'])) {
>           echo "Samples link content will go here";
>                  }
> elseif(isset($_GET['rates'])) {
>           echo "Rates link content will be here";
>                  }
> elseif(isset($_GET['contact'])) {
>           echo "Contact information will go here.";
>             } else {
> echo "Main content goes here.";
> }
> The only thing that EVER gets displayed is the final else. (Main
> goes here.)  What am I doing wrong?  Once again, the links are in this
> format: <a href="index.php?samples">
> Any ideas?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 7:39 PM
> To: 'Troy May'; 'PHP List'
> Subject: RE: [PHP] Passing arguments to the same script
> > I'm sure this is easy, but I'm drawing a blank.  I need to have
> at
> > the
> > bottom of the page that passes arguments to the same script (itself)
> when
> > it
> > gets reloaded.  How do we do this?
> >
> > I have the links like this now:
> >
> > <a href="index.php?samples">
> >
> > How do I determine what is passed?  I need to do an "if" statement
> with
> > different outputs depending on the argument.
> >
> > if ($samples) { do something }
> if(isset($_GET['samples']))
> { do something }
> ---John Holmes...

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Thanks, I got it working by adding "=1"

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Wesley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 8:08 PM
To: 'PHP List'
Cc: Troy May
Subject: RE: [PHP] Passing arguments to the same script

On Sun, 1 Dec 2002, Troy May wrote:

> The only thing that EVER gets displayed is the final else. (Main content
> goes here.)  What am I doing wrong?  Once again, the links are in this
> format: <a href="index.php?samples">

<a href="index.php?samples=1">

To get the desired results with the code you posted, you have to give your
query string parameter(s) a value (as above).  If you don't want to give
samples a value, then examine the query string as a whole:

if( $_SERVER[QUERY_STRING] == "samples" ) ...


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- what abou using action=questions instead of questions=1, then you can use array:
$links=array('questions'=>"Questions link content will go here",
'samples'=>"Samples link content will go here", ................

echo $links[$_GET['action']]

this would be neater.

Troy May wrote:

Thanks for responding. I think I'm still doing something wrong. Take a

if(isset($_GET['questions'])) {
echo "Questions link content will go here";
elseif(isset($_GET['samples'])) {
echo "Samples link content will go here";
elseif(isset($_GET['rates'])) {
echo "Rates link content will be here";
elseif(isset($_GET['contact'])) {
echo "Contact information will go here.";
} else {
echo "Main content goes here.";

The only thing that EVER gets displayed is the final else. (Main content
goes here.) What am I doing wrong? Once again, the links are in this
format: <a href="index.php?samples">

Any ideas?

-----Original Message-----
From: John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 7:39 PM
To: 'Troy May'; 'PHP List'
Subject: RE: [PHP] Passing arguments to the same script

I'm sure this is easy, but I'm drawing a blank. I need to have links


bottom of the page that passes arguments to the same script (itself)


gets reloaded. How do we do this?

I have the links like this now:

<a href="index.php?samples">

How do I determine what is passed? I need to do an "if" statement


different outputs depending on the argument.

if ($samples) { do something }

{ do something }

---John Holmes...

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I am just full of them this weekend. Is it possible to direct a header like a html 
link (i.e. target="_top") ? I have a page that is in a frame, and I want the new page 
that is called to break the frame and load in the entire frame.


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
> I am just full of them this weekend. Is it possible to direct a header
> like a html link (i.e. target="_top") ? I have a page that is in a
> and I want the new page that is called to break the frame and load in
> entire frame.

Nope. Use JavaScript.

---John Holmes...

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
--- "John W. Holmes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am just full of them this weekend. Is it
> possible to direct a header
> > like a html link (i.e. target="_top") ? I have a
> page that is in a
> frame,
> > and I want the new page that is called to break
> the frame and load in
> the
> > entire frame.

I do not see why not have the request initially opened
in the parent frame since both <a> and <form> tags
support the "target" propery... which will be set in
this case to "parent"

I hope this makes your life easier !
good luck !

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visit :

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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi all,

I'm making a site with a dynamic menu based on IF statements and DB
queries, but have this little problem which I can't understand the
reason. My programming method is based upon an application.php file
which controls the hole site and paths, template files for the header &
footer and main PHP files which includes all the needed files that I
mentioned before.

As an example of this, the header TITLE tag has a <?=$TITLE?> variable
to take a different title for each page and after that, I put a
$LOCATION variable to tell the menu() function which page is being
displayed (different menus for products, about us, etc.) but the menu()
function (fetched from a library) is not recognizing this $LOCATION
variable. I'm declaring it as a GLOBAL inside the function, but nothing
happens. Here's part of my code:

This is part of my product's index.php file:



require ("../application.php");
$TITLE = "Joyería Mara";
include ("$CFG->templatedir/");

WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%"> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=200> <P><TABLE





And this is the menu() function:


function menu(){
if ($LOCATION = "productos"){
$MENU_NAME = "Nosotros";
$MENU_LINK = "".$CFG->wwwroot."/nosotros";
$MENU_BACK = "000066";

$MENU_NAME = "Productos";
$MENU_LINK = "".$CFG->wwwroot."/productos";
$MENU_BACK = "999999";

$MENU_NAME = "Regístrese";
$MENU_LINK = "".$CFG->wwwroot."/registrese";
$MENU_BACK = "000066";

$MENU_NAME = "Contacto";
$MENU_LINK = "".$CFG->wwwroot."/contacto";
$MENU_BACK = "000066";
$GLOBALS['MENU_LINK']); } else if ($LOCATION = "nosotros"){ echo "hi"; }
else{ echo "none"; } }



Any thoughts? Thanks

Cesar L. Aracena
(0299) 156-356688
Neuquén (8300) Capital

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

Monday, December 2, 2002, 4:06:54 PM, you wrote:
CA> Hi all,

CA> I'm making a site with a dynamic menu based on IF statements and DB
CA> queries, but have this little problem which I can't understand the
CA> reason. My programming method is based upon an application.php file
CA> which controls the hole site and paths, template files for the header &
CA> footer and main PHP files which includes all the needed files that I
CA> mentioned before.

CA> As an example of this, the header TITLE tag has a <?=$TITLE?> variable
CA> to take a different title for each page and after that, I put a
CA> $LOCATION variable to tell the menu() function which page is being
CA> displayed (different menus for products, about us, etc.) but the menu()
CA> function (fetched from a library) is not recognizing this $LOCATION
CA> variable. I'm declaring it as a GLOBAL inside the function, but nothing
CA> happens. Here's part of my code:

CA> This is part of my product's index.php file:

 Your if statements should be like this:

 if ($LOCATION == "productos") //needs the double '=' sign

 otherwise $LOCATION is always set to  productos


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- Is it not set or is it empty? Try adding this code to menu function after global $LOCATION;
if(!isset($LOCATION) die('$LOCATION is not set!');

Cesar Aracena wrote:

Hi all,

I'm making a site with a dynamic menu based on IF statements and DB
queries, but have this little problem which I can't understand the
reason. My programming method is based upon an application.php file
which controls the hole site and paths, template files for the header &
footer and main PHP files which includes all the needed files that I
mentioned before.

As an example of this, the header TITLE tag has a <?=$TITLE?> variable
to take a different title for each page and after that, I put a
$LOCATION variable to tell the menu() function which page is being
displayed (different menus for products, about us, etc.) but the menu()
function (fetched from a library) is not recognizing this $LOCATION
variable. I'm declaring it as a GLOBAL inside the function, but nothing
happens. Here's part of my code:

This is part of my product's index.php file:



require ("../application.php");
$TITLE = "Joyería Mara";
include ("$CFG->templatedir/");

WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%"> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=200> <P><TABLE





And this is the menu() function:


function menu(){
if ($LOCATION = "productos"){
$MENU_NAME = "Nosotros";
$MENU_LINK = "".$CFG->wwwroot."/nosotros";
$MENU_BACK = "000066";

$MENU_NAME = "Productos";
$MENU_LINK = "".$CFG->wwwroot."/productos";
$MENU_BACK = "999999";

$MENU_NAME = "Regístrese";
$MENU_LINK = "".$CFG->wwwroot."/registrese";
$MENU_BACK = "000066";

$MENU_NAME = "Contacto";
$MENU_LINK = "".$CFG->wwwroot."/contacto";
$MENU_BACK = "000066";
$GLOBALS['MENU_LINK']); } else if ($LOCATION = "nosotros"){ echo "hi"; }
else{ echo "none"; } }



Any thoughts? Thanks

Cesar L. Aracena
(0299) 156-356688
Neuquén (8300) Capital

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I'm getting nailed with a bunch of returned emails like this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - no such user here.

There is no user by that name at this server.
: Message contains [1] file attachments

What's going on?  Each one has a different address, but the
part is the same for each one.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

I want to add a method to an existing object. Any ideas how to?

I tried using

        foreach($this->modules->$module_name->methods as $mod_method =>
$method_name) {
            $function = '$args = implode(",", func_get_args());';
            $function .= 'return

            $lambda = create_function('', $function);
            $this->$method_name = $lambda;

The error I got was "Fatal error: func_get_args(): Can't be used as a
function parameter in ...: runtime-created function on line 1" when I called

Is there a way I can know the arguments of a defined method without calling
the method?

Thank you,
Brian Takita

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I just have a fucking mental block; I cannot at all conceive the
necessary syntax to or even the theoretical algorithm that I need, to do
the following:

Consider the following table:

U | X | Y 

then the code says:


So now what?
- remember I do not know the value of Y, so it has to be an automatic
thing; I can't just say ... WHERE U = me AND Y = a.

I want this output:

_______________________ (<hr>)


How the hell do I do that? I can't think of the goddamn' syntax!

Post your free ad now!
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

if I got you right, you want to output each value for "Y" and then print out
how often this value appears?
If yes, you could try this:
Well, it's Monday morning and I don't know, if this will work, but I guess
it does! ;-)
Just try it out in phpmyadmin or so...


Victor schrieb:

> I just have a fucking mental block; I cannot at all conceive the
> necessary syntax to or even the theoretical algorithm that I need, to do
> the following:
> Consider the following table:
> U | X | Y
> --|---|--
> me|001|0a
> me|002|0a
> me|003|0a
> me|002|0b
> me|003|0b
> me|004|0b
> ..|...|..
> then the code says:
> So now what?
> - remember I do not know the value of Y, so it has to be an automatic
> thing; I can't just say ... WHERE U = me AND Y = a.
> I want this output:
> 0a
> 001
> 002
> 003
> _______________________ (<hr>)
> 0b
> 002
> 003
> 004
> How the hell do I do that? I can't think of the goddamn' syntax!
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Post your free ad now!

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- you got the results, now loop it, and if you find Y is different from the previous one, print it:

while($row=mysql_fetch_array($res) {
if($row['Y']!=$previous) echo "$row[Y]<br>";
echo "$row[X]<br>";

Victor wrote:

I just have a fucking mental block; I cannot at all conceive the
necessary syntax to or even the theoretical algorithm that I need, to do
the following:

Consider the following table:

U | X | Y --|---|--

then the code says:


So now what?
- remember I do not know the value of Y, so it has to be an automatic
thing; I can't just say ... WHERE U = me AND Y = a.

I want this output:

_______________________ (<hr>)

How the hell do I do that? I can't think of the goddamn' syntax!

______________________________________________________________________ Post your free ad now!

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi to all,

Sorry for this kind of post but i cant find a better mailing list for
I have a problem in refreshing my php page script. Im using javascript to
open new window for editing purposes. But i want my opener opener page to
auto reload upon submit in my new window.

Any idea? thanks in advance



--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
At 09:21 02.12.2002, Michael P. Carel said:
>Sorry for this kind of post but i cant find a better mailing list for
>I have a problem in refreshing my php page script. Im using javascript to
>open new window for editing purposes. But i want my opener opener page to
>auto reload upon submit in my new window.

Use JavaScript, for example. There is a window property called "opener"
which is a handle to the window which opened the popup. Upon form submit,
you could:

<script language="JavaScript">
function submitForm(form) {
    return true;

...within your form code...
<form name="myform" method="post" action="something">
    ...your form contents...
    <button value="Submit this" onClick="submitForm(myform)">

   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)    ICQ #13394035

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- This would prevent nonjavascript browsers from submiting the form. Better would be to use the
page that comes after submiting:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Form submited successfully</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" onLoad="window.opener.location.reload(); window.close()">

<h3>Form submited successfully</h3><br>
<input type="button" value="Close" onClick="window.close()">


Ernest E Vogelsinger wrote:

At 09:21 02.12.2002, Michael P. Carel said:

Sorry for this kind of post but i cant find a better mailing list for
I have a problem in refreshing my php page script. Im using javascript to
open new window for editing purposes. But i want my opener opener page to
auto reload upon submit in my new window.

Use JavaScript, for example. There is a window property called "opener"
which is a handle to the window which opened the popup. Upon form submit,
you could:

<script language="JavaScript">
function submitForm(form) {
return true;

...within your form code...
<form name="myform" method="post" action="something">
...your form contents...
<button value="Submit this" onClick="submitForm(myform)">

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Morgan Hughes wrote:

 Or use stat() to get the page's mtime, something like

Good idea.


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

I'm trying to find out how to run a command on the server as root. Does
anybody know how to do this?


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

I'm trying to find out how to run a command on the server as root. Does anybody know 
how to do this?

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On Monday 02 Dec 2002 10:47 am, Luke van Blerk wrote:
> Hi
> I'm trying to find out how to run a command on the server as root. Does
> anybody know how to do this?

su root
password: your_root_password

then run your command

This is a php list not a *nix list

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Luke,

> I'm trying to find out how to run a command on the 
> server as root. Does anybody know how to do this?

How about using a combination of exec() and sudo (assuming you're in the
sudoers file, that is)?

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- As your server process run as nobody or apache, you need a wrapper setuid root program that will
execute the command you want, but you must be very carefull so it is not exploitable.

Luke van Blerk wrote:


I'm trying to find out how to run a command on the server as root. Does
anybody know how to do this?


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hash: SHA1

the commande run y PHP on the server are run as the user which apache is 
running as ...aka www or nobody in lot's of case ... so forget running a root 
commande ( infac for security reason ... it's not very good :/ )

Le Lundi 2 Décembre 2002 10:44, Luke van Blerk a écrit :
> Hi
> I'm trying to find out how to run a command on the server as root. Does
> anybody know how to do this?
> Thanks
> Luke

- -- 
 / Matthieu Le Corre
|  Service Informatique
| ____________________
|  Inspection Academique de la Sarthe
|  72000 LE MANS
| ____________________________
|  Tel   : 02 43 61 58 91 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hello all

Im trying to load php 4.2.3 as a dynamic module into
apache server 2.0.43 but am running into problems.
Everytime i run the configtest or try and start the
apache server i get the following error.

Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/ into server:
/usr/lib/apache/ undefined symbol:

I have spent some time trying to find a solution to
this problem and have seen on the help pages of that it is to do with the apache DSO sharing.
I followed the suggestion and recompiled apache with
the --enable-shared=max --enable-rule=SHARED_CORE but
this still doesnt make any difference. Has anyone else
out there seen this problem and maybe know how to fix
Thanks for any help in advance!!

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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
> -----Original Message-----
> From: bob pilly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 02 December 2002 11:24
> Im trying to load php 4.2.3 as a dynamic module into
> apache server 2.0.43 but am running into problems.
> Everytime i run the configtest or try and start the
> apache server i get the following error.

I think you have a fundamental version mismatch there -- AFAIR with Apache
2.0.43, you have to use a pre-production version of PHP 4.3, which at
present probably means 4.3.0RC2 (unless they've slipped another one out
whilst I wasn't looking!).  Anyway, go have a look at
and see what's available.



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning & Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Beckett Park, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730      Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi all,
I have a mySQL database called "srchresult"  in a "srchresult" base.
In it, i have 9 fields.
Everything works perfectly.
I would like to know how can  i list in a HTML table 30 results for example
but only with 7 columns (7 fields only) ?
I 've tried some scripts but i can't work this out (i'm a newbie)
Thanks a lot,

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Hacook,

> I have a mySQL database called "srchresult"  in a "srchresult" base.
> In it, i have 9 fields. Everything works perfectly.
> I would like to know how can  i list in a HTML table 30 results for
> but only with 7 columns (7 fields only) ?

Try this:


// open the db connection - replace these with your own settings
$db = mysql_connect([server], [username], [password]);

// select the database - replace with your own
mysql_select_db([database], $db);

// get the query - add your own field names here
$q = mysql_query("SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3 FROM srchresult LIMIT 30");

// start the table
echo "<table">;

// loop through the results
while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($q)) {

  // echo a table row

// end of while() loop

// finish the table
echo "</table>";


It's untested - shout if it doesn't work.


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

I'm using a PHP-script as a small console-app. Is the only way to give
parameters to it the $QUERY_STRING, or can I wait for the user to input
something (like scanf in C)? I couldn't find anything in the docs, so
perhaps this is not possible?!


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
For console app you can use readline functions

Martin Thoma wrote:


I'm using a PHP-script as a small console-app. Is the only way to give
parameters to it the $QUERY_STRING, or can I wait for the user to input
something (like scanf in C)? I couldn't find anything in the docs, so
perhaps this is not possible?!


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi All

I am currently working on a simple document management system in PHP.
Metadata and revision
histories and other relevant data is stored in a PostgreSQL database.

I would like to set up this system so that there is NO access to any
documents through the filesystem
(web folders etc.)

Hence, the ideal situation is the following:
(much simplified)

The user is sent to an URL such as:

This script document.php pushes the Word Document (or whatever type of
document it may be) to the user's
browser which in turn loads the relevant application. Now, normally when a
user clicks "Save" it will attempt to
save the file back to the Temporary Internet Files directory or something

I would like to make it possible for the user to simply be able to hit
Save. The request is then sent back (a webdav request)
to where this script can
then retrieve the body of the file saved
back to the web and then store it on the server file system as it pleases.
That PHP script then updates the metadata in the
PostgreSQL database.

So basically what I want to use of WebDAV is its facility for saving "back
to the web". I'm not really interested in locking
or versioning etc.

Will PHP and WebDAV support what I am looking for here? If not, is there
anything else that will? The key point is that
I must give the users a transparent way of saving back to the web without
them having any access to the documents
through shares etc.

Thanks in advance.

Adam Whitehead
Software Developer - CSM Technology
Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)
Ph: (08) 89361 455 ** Mobile (0411) 241 120

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of this e-mail or attachments.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
i had this problem when my pages were cached when I wanted them to be
refreshed, so I went deep in it and included all the recomended headers
by the manual, and it worked fine.. I also tried on a clean version, by
emptying up the browser cache and temp files on my client machine...

until one page came from nowhere, an old old version! now my question
is, where did that page come from? are these pages cached anywhere on
the SERVER? I have an account on an APACHE server, and I dont know
where to look for temporary files, if any get cached...

Thank you for any help you can provide.

Yours Elmota

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
on 02/12/02 10:49 PM, Elmota Abdul Ayyash ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> i had this problem when my pages were cached when I wanted them to be
> refreshed, so I went deep in it and included all the recomended headers
> by the manual, and it worked fine.. I also tried on a clean version, by
> emptying up the browser cache and temp files on my client machine...
> until one page came from nowhere, an old old version! now my question
> is, where did that page come from? are these pages cached anywhere on
> the SERVER? I have an account on an APACHE server, and I dont know
> where to look for temporary files, if any get cached...

It could be any proxy server between the client and the server, plus any
proxies ON the server... this would include the user's local machine, their
local network, their ISP, and any ISP/server in between the client and the
server (do a traceroute), althoguh in this case it sounds like you're
talking about a LAN.

I don't *think* Apache caches anything by itself.

Of course changing the filename will ensure you aren't using a cached copy

Justin French
Web Development & 
Graphic Design

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Thank you for reading my mail!
Who can tell me the best php-base webmail?
I want a webmail for my mail server,
give me a suggest, please!
                                       Joskey Liaus
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Joskey,

> Who can tell me the best php-base webmail?

IMP ( is pretty good, I use it for my webmail and
don't have any complaints.


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Thanks for this,
I understand how to update in date in database, but I need when I get date
from database to increase or decrease before to save in database.

Can you help me for this ?

"John W. Holmes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I want to get date from database, to increment ot decrement it with
> some
> > days, to show the date and after thath
> > if user confirm it to save it to database.
> There are a ton of ways you can do it. You can select the date and it's
> inc/dec value in the same statement:
> SELECT datecol, datecol + INTERVAL 1 DAY FROM yourtable WHERE ...
> Display whatever you need, if the user agrees to the new day, then issue
> an update query:
> UPDATE yourtable SET datecol = datecol + INTERVAL 1 DAY WHERE ...
> To make those queries dynamic, you can replace the '1' with a variable
> and assign it's value in PHP to either -1, 1, 2, 3, etc...
> $inc = -1;
> UPDATE yourtable SET datecol = datecol + INTERVAL $inc DAY WHERE ...
> Or...
> You can select out the date you have now, use strtotime() to make it
> into a unix timestamp (which PHP works with), and date() to format it
> however you want. If the user approves the new date, you can reformat
> the unix timestamp back to a YYYY-MM-DD format with date() or use
> FROM_UNIXTIME() in your query to insert/update the new date into the
> database...
> ---John Holmes...

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gerard Samuel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 29 November 2002 20:45
> To: php-gen
> Subject: [PHP] Sessions not written to db on windows...
> I have a bit of code that uses sessions and stores session 
> data in the 
> database.
> Works flawlessly on FreeBSD 4.7/mySQL/PostgreSQL running php 4.2.3.
> When trying to run my code on Windows 2k with MSSQL and 
> mySQL, its not 
> working.
> The windows box is running php 4.1.2 (its a dev box).

If my memory serves me correctly, sessions is broke in PHP 4.1.2 on Windows
-- try upgrading.



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning & Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Beckett Park, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730      Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 
--- End Message ---

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