> > I think what's happening here is a type issue. The comparison is
> returning
> a
> > boolean, so when $c != '0', the switch is true and the case is
> to
> > true, and executing.  But when $c == '0', with switch is (false),
> the
> > case is true.  Change the case to
> > ($c > chr(58) and $c < chr(58)):
> > pass in '09090' and see what you get.  Perhaps the case isn't the
> > structure for this test.
> I think you're in the right track.
> Running these would produce different results:
> ---------- script 1 ----------
> $s = '0';
> switch ($s){
>   case ($s > chr(47) && $s < chr(58)):
>     echo 'Yehey!';
>     break;
>   default:
>     echo 'Boo!';
> }
> ---------- script 2 ----------
> $s = 0;
> switch ($s){
>   case ($s > chr(47) && $s < chr(58)):
>     echo 'Yehey!';
>     break;
>   default:
>     echo 'Boo!';
> }

I think the problem is just the incorrect use of a switch. If you change
your code to


then it works as it should. You should be using if..elseif for your
style of "cases".

---John Holmes...

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