
On 12/03/2002 10:09 AM, Alain Romero wrote:
PHP server = Win 2000 SP2/php 4.1.2
SMTP server = Netscape Messenger 4.15 (declare on php.ini)

Why CC and BCC never receive mail ?
The mail() function has its set of flaws, especially under Windows.

The header 'TO' is correct : see CC and BCC !
The header : "From : ..... CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED] BCC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

I try  severals classes I have found (PHP Classes), no good result !
You can use this class function $email_message->SetHeader("Cc:" or "Bcc:", "[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]");


If the mail() function is really not working, you may need to use also the smtp_message sub-class along with this other class for sending:



Manuel Lemos

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