Hey all -
I'm trying to track down a problem with someone else's
code. Our hosting service changed PHP versions on us
(up to 4.0.6), and everything broke. I think I have
tracked down at least part of the problem. We have a

     $file = substr($args[0],0, -1); //file to open from path
     $alt  = $args[1]; //if invalid/no file, use this file
     $name = $args[2]; //the name associated with the tabs
     $size = $args[3]; //size to make the box (optional)

     print "funA START: file: " . $file . ", name: " . $name . ", alt: " . $alt . ", 
size: " . $size . "<BR>";

     . . .

Called like this:
   funA("nameString", " ", " ", "177");

But the output of the print statement looks like this:

funA START: file: productBrief, name: \, alt: \, size: 177\

So where did the darned backslashes come from? Any ideas?

andy wallace

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