Hello list,

simple question:

I´ve heard that it is possible to compile php with dg-support on two ways
1) first way: Distribution dependant with the gd-files and libraries, eg. gd.c, gd.lo, gd.o coming with the distribution of the compiled php-4.x-tarball
compiled the follwing way:

./configure ...... --with-gd ....

2) second way: You can compile the newest Distribution from GD, eg. gd-2.0.8

compiling gd-2.0.8 this way
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/gd ...
eg. under /usr/local/gd

and the compile php-4.x this way
./configure .... --with-gd=/usr/local ....

> Did I got that right ?


I think that the value you use for 'prefix=' on gd should be the same as the value for 'with-gd='

and its probably best to install gd in /usr/local so that the libraries are in an already known location.

like this

./configure --prefix=/usr/local
eg. under /usr/local

and the compile php-4.x this way
./configure .... --with-gd=/usr/local

if you do this - be aware that you will have two versions of gd installed - this shouldn't cause any problems but don't forget you have two versions - and if you install more software make sure it finds the right version.

- you can always remove the ditro version - but eg rpm may complain about dependency problems as it won't know about your /usr/local version.



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