Are there any instructions on how to configure the GD libraries and compile PHP?  I guess then I will have to recompile Apache so that it includes the "new" PHP??


Scott Hurring wrote:
With RedHat, AFAIR you have to compile PHP from source
*after* first configuring the GD libraries.

It's always been a massive PITA when i've had to compile PHP
on Redhat with Graphic ext's -- try debian instead ;-)

Scott Hurring
Systems Programmer
EAC Corporation
scott (*)
"Ray Hunter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
What functions do you want to use?

You can review the functions in the manual and it will tell you how to
configure php with them...

On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 13:31, Todd Cary wrote:
I am running PHP in a RedHat 7.3 environment and I notice that the
graphic functions are not present.  Since I am quite new to Linux, I
would appreciate it if someone could explain to me what I need to do
to have graphic functions.

Many thanks.........

Ariste Software, Petaluma, CA 94952

Ray Hunter



Ariste Software, Petaluma, CA 94952

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