Very cool!  Thanks!

"Christopher Raymond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Shawn:
>   I beleive I can clarify the purpose of objects/classes for you and
> enrich my clarification with a couple of examples.
>   A class defines the structure of an object. A class is a "template"
> for an object. An object is a container for data and for functions that
> operate on that data. A class is a roadmap -- it defines the object's
> structure. You can then create several objects using one class. These
> several objects are separate from one another, but identical in
> structure. Each can contain different data but use the same functions to
> operate on that data.
>   Functions contained within an object class are called methods.
> Functionally, methods are exactly the same as functions except that they
> are restricted to the scope of the object. Generally, a method is a
> function that operates on the object's data. An object contains variable
> data including variables, arrays and objects. These variables are called
> the object's properties.
>   Objects could be used when you have several similar pieces of data
> especially when you wish to have that data manipulated by the same
> functions but wish to maintain separation between these data objects.
>   Let's say, for example, that you wished to store information about a
> number of different people within a single script execution. An
> insurance site might wish to gather information about the primary
> applicant, his wife and their three children all on the same page.
>   You and I would agree that all people have similar properties; we all
> have an age, a height, a weight - we might smoke etc. Therefore, a class
> for people could be defined.
> class Human
> {
> var $age;
> var $height_inches;
> var $weight_pounds;
> var $smoker;
> function HeightWeightRatio()
> {
> $ratio = $this->height_inches / $this->weight_pounds;
> return $ratio;
> } }
> } }
>   To create an instances of the class (an object) you would use
> something like this:
> $father = new Human;
> $mother = new Human;
>   Once you have instantiated the class (previous lines) you could then
> set the values of the object with code like:
> $father->age = 49;
> $father->height = "5'11";
> $father->weight = 215;
> $father->smoker = false;
> $father_ratio = $father->HeightWeightRatio();
> $mother->age = 47;
> $mother->height = "5'5";
> $mother->weight = 145;
> $mother->smoker = true;
> $mother_ratio = $mother->HeightWeightRatio();
>   By now, I'm sure you get the picture.
> class HTMLTemplate
> {
> var $template;
> var $html;
> var $parameters
> = array();
> var $populated = false;
> function HTMLTemplate (
> $template)
> {
> $this->template = $template;
> $this->html =
> implode ("", (file($this->template)));
> }
> function SetParameter (
> $variable, $value)
> {
> $this->parameters[$variable] = $value;
> }
> function PopulateValues ()
> {
> foreach ($this->parameters as
> $key => $value)
> {
> $template_name = '<!--{' . $key . '}--
> >';
> $this->html = str_replace ($template_name, $value, $this->html);
> }
> $this->populated = true;
> }
> function ReturnHTML ()
> {
> if (
> $this->populated)
> {
> return $this->html;
> }
> else
> {
> $this->PopulateValues();
> return $this->html;
> }
> }
> }
>   This class allows you to use an html template file which you can paste
> dynamic values/content into. Here's an example of how to use it:
> <?php
> $title = "My Web Page";
> $content = "Hello, this is my web page.";
> $template = new HTMLTemplate("/mytemplate.html");
> $template->setParameter("PAGE-TITLE", $title);
> $template->setParameter("CONTENT", $content);
> echo $template->ReturnHTML(); // Sends html to the browser
> // It is important to destroy an object once you are finished
> // using it so that you can free up the memory space that it uses
> unset($template); // Destroys instance of object
> ?>
>   My html template file might look like this:
> <html>
> <head>
> <title><!--{PAGE-TITLE}--></title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <!--{CONTENT}-->
> </body>
> </html>
> Christopher Raymond,
> Oasis Networks <-- Web Development & Macintosh Systems Consulting

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