
Saturday, December 14, 2002, 10:12:28 AM, you wrote:
SM> I have a form that is submitting a Javascript to validate fields before the
SM> form casn be submitted. The problem is that the field name has to be
SM> prefixed with "required". So, if I have a field called email, it has to be
SM> called requiredemail in order for the javascript to work.

SM> How can I remove the "required" before the form is submitted? All I need is
SM> a hint...

SM> Thanks,
SM> Shane

In php on the recieving end like this:

$input_vars = array();
while(list($key,$var) = each($_POST)){
    if(substr($key,0,7) == 'required'){
        $key = substr($key,8);
    $input_vars[$key] = $val;

Then use the values from $input_vars

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