Ofcourse there can only be one home function:

require_once "HTML/IT.php";

class Home {
var $tpl_home = NULL;

function Home(){
$this->tpl_home = new IntegratedTemplate("../templates");
$this->tpl_home->loadTemplatefile("index.tpl.html", true, true);

function show(){
$alo=new Home();

At 17:36 16-12-02 +0100, Wico de Leeuw wrote:

Try it like this:

require_once "HTML/IT.php";
class Home {
var $tpl_home = NULL;

function Home () {
$this->tpl_home = new IntegratedTemplate("../templates");

function Home(){

$this->tpl_home->loadTemplatefile("index.tpl.html", true, true);

function show(){
$alo=new Home();

P.S. you can assign 'dynamic' content to a class var in a (class) function, not with var $var = aFunction() or something

At 16:24 16-12-02 +0000, Mauro Romano Trajber wrote:
Hi all.
I got a problem.
When i include a external file using require_once('my_file.php'); in a class file i cant use my_file´s vars and functions.
require_once "HTML/IT.php";
class Home{
var $tpl_home= new IntegratedTemplate("../templates");
function Home(){
$this->tpl_home->loadTemplatefile("index.tpl.html", true, true);
function show(){
$alo=new Home();

im new in php.
i will thank any help.
sorry my english!!! :)

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