Hi David,

> If I have lets say 30 items that match the query, 
> I would like the page to display this at the bottom 
> Previous 10  page 1 2 3  Next 10 of 30

To get the 20 results starting at #100, your query will be something like
"SELECT foo FROM bar LIMIT 100, 20"

To do paged results with MySQL, have a variable (called $start or something)
that keeps track of how many pages into the results you are, and increment
or decrement it in the next and previous page links:

<a href="results.php?start=<?=($start-1)?>">previous</a>
<a href="results.php?start=<?=($start+1)?>">next</a>

And construct your query along these lines:
  SELECT foo FROM bar LIMIT ($start * 20), 20

Hope this gets you started. 


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