At 20:41 18-12-02 +1100, you wrote:
hi guys i have a little problem with flushing the buffer output, in this
loop it should be downloading a file and changing the progress of a progress
bar, although it waits until the shell_exec of all the files are done and
then flushes the buffer which will start @ 95% , so it wont start until
shell_exec is finished , is this a bug ?
php can't multitask, so it's not a bug
what you can try:

page1: (start process)
put an ignore_user_abort on it
put a header location on it to page2
start the command and let it write to a file where it is

page 2 :
read the file and display a processbar
(with javascript or meta refresh)
when done goto page3


foreach ($filename as $file){
     shell_exec("curl -O ".$url.$file);
     //shell_exec("wget ".$url.$file);
     //echo $file;


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