On Sat, 2002-12-21 at 08:03, John W. Holmes wrote:
> > I'm setting a session with
> > session_set_cookie_params (time()+6480000);
> > so the cookie should last 70 days+ but the data wasn't
> > returned.
> > 
> > from looking in the manual i see that session_cache_expire is used to
> set
> > or print the current value of the expire. Its set in php.ini by
> default to
> > 180 minutes.
> > 
> > So it seems that the garbage collector will clean up the session file
> > after 180 mins or 10800 seconds which is less then i was expecting
> after
> > setting the cookie life.
> > 
> > do i need to set
> > 
> > session_set_cookie_params (time()+6480000);
> > session_cache_expire (6480000);
> > 
> > for the data to still be available if the user returns during the
> cookies
> > life and is this on a per session basis.
> Well, first of all, session cookies are deleted when the user closes
> their browser. So unless the user is leaving the browser open for 70
> days, this setting won't matter. 

This is incorrect, by default session cookies have a lifetime of 0 which
means they are peresistent until the browser is closed.  If you set the
ini directive session.cookie_lifetime to something other than 0, for
example 86400 then the session will for the number of seconds specified,
in this case 1 day, even after the browser has been closed.

> session.gc_lifetime is the setting that controls the garbage cleanup. If
> the session is inactive past that time limit, then the session file will
> be deleted. 
> Sessions aren't meant to be a "remember me" function. You'll need to use
> regular cookies that persist after the browser is closed for that. 

> ---John W. Holmes...
> PHP Architect - A monthly magazine for PHP Professionals. Get your copy
> today. http://www.phparch.com/
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