Look at projects where it is done already (e.g. PhpNuke)
If the strings are static (simple translation of static strings), keep it in a file as variables or constants, for
dynamic content you may use separate table for language independent information and another table for
language dependent info, with corresponding id and language id.
table stocks: stock_id, price, quantity
table stock_description: stock_id, language_id, name, description

Html output: the user should have the necesery fonts installed, you just need to output the correct header
about the charset being used, e.g. header('Content-type: text/html; charset='. $charset); or <meta> tag

Denis L. Menezes wrote:

Hello friends,

As the subject suggests I am looking for language capabilitie on my php webpages.

Can someone please tell me which is a good way? I thought that I could have a database, but if so, can MySQL: handle multiple languages in the fields(like chinese language)? if this is possible, what about the html output : does the user need to install some fonts etc ?

Thanks very much

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