> Thanks John and Marek for your fast responses. I made the decision to
> opt for the "hidden" tag option. Now, I'll show you the part of my
> that hangs when trying to make what I intend it to do.
> ========================
> $query1 = "DELETE * FROM maracat WHERE catid = $catid";
> $result1 = mysql_query($query1) or die (mysql_errno());
> $query2 = "DELETE * FROM marasubcat WHERE catid = $catid";
> $result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die (mysql_errno());
> $query3 = "DELETE * FROM maraprod WHERE catid = $catid";
> $result3 = mysql_query($query3) or die (mysql_errno());
> echo "Accion taken<br>";
> echo "<a href=\"cat.php\" class=\"link2\">Back</a>";
> ========================
> I know that it's very tedious to write 1 query for each action taking
> place, but I think this is easier for me to change in the future. Now,
> the page gets stuck when reaching this level and doesn't process what
> ordered... Any thoughts? Thanks in advance,

Do you get an errorno() or does it just not delete? It's better to echo
mysql_error() along with mysql_errno() in your die() statement.

---John W. Holmes...

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