Do you mean that the XSL style sheet is printed instead of the transformation result?

if that's the case, i have faced the same problem, and at that time it was because of the "xsl:" namespace check it to verify it's correct, there's a deprecated on of it that you may be using and sablotron doesn't use it anymore!

the correct namespace is:

good luck!

Khalid Al-Kary

Hello php-general,

  I have a problem with XSLT Transformation. I have in one page HTML
  that is in my php page and one $result - where i transform one XSLT
  file. When php show HTML - no problems but when i print $result
  after HTML iyt can be read. In XSLT and XML i use UTF-8 ecnoding
  after transformation i tray to use utf8_decode and encode functions
  but all in $result can be read!
  Please Help me !

  Best regards,
  Boris                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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