I am getting a "Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource" error only when the commented-out code bellow (starting from $id = bb_sponsor...) is added. If I omit the code the resource is recognized as valid. Can anyone explain?


P.S. - I know my conditions for comparing values are far from accurate, but they work for this particular purpose.

/* variables for sponsor table insert */
$insert = '';
$insert_pre = "INSERT INTO `bb_sponsor` ( `id` , `name` , `url` ) VALUES (";
$insert_post = ");\n";

/* if inputed sponsor name exists, define it's index and url value.*/
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($sponsor)) {
foreach ($bb_sponsor as $key=>$value) {
if (levenshtein($bb_sponsor[$key]['name'], $row[1]) <=3 or
stristr(($bb_sponsor[$key]['name']), $row[1])) {
$bb_sponsor[$key]['id'] = $row[0];
$bb_sponsor[$key]['url'] = $row[2];
$id = $bb_sponsor[$key]['id'];
$name = $bb_sponsor[$key]['name'];
$sponsor = $bb_sponsor[$key]['url'];
$insert = $insert . $insert_pre . "'', '$name', '$sponsor'" . $insert_post; */

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