> I have one file with several sections of code which I have so far
> accessed using a good old fashioned - - if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['action']
> "Update") - - however I now want to include this code within some
> web pages, I thought I may be able to use the following code  - -
> include("/modules.php?action=Update") - - however the code does not
> Hoping someone can help me out on a way to overcome this.  I am
> IIS 5, and PHP 4.2.3

When you include() a file, it has the same variable scope as the file it
was included from. So, if you have the following code:

$action = "Update";

Then you can use $action in modules.php and it'll be set to "Update".
modules.php will have the same variables as the file that included it. 

I hope that helps...

---John Holmes...

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