> >o Pg doesn't have DATE_FORMAT()
> to_char() accomplishes the same thing, for example:
> select to_char(lastlogin, 'FMMM-DD-YYYY FMHH:MI AM') as lastloginf
> from users;

Unless I missed something, that function doesn't work with unix timestamps.
Is there anythin internal to PG that allows you to convert to and from unix

>, or the types SET and ENUM.

> >o Changing database structure is harder.  With PG, I usually found it
> >   easier to dump, edit, then reload the database to make changes I did
> >   in MySQL with ALTER TABLE.
> True, changing schema is a major PITA with Postgres.  My only real
> complaint about it, in fact...

That's how I did it and it was, indeed, a pain in the butt...  But there was 
some good that came out of it.  When I created the MySQL tables, I didn't
have foreign keys (wasn't using InnoDB), constraints or anything like that
so in recreating the tables, I was able to implement those things to make
life easier down the road when reworking the code and the logic.


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