
Tuesday, December 31, 2002, 2:55:39 AM, you wrote:
>> In the test function, if I just serialize the $xml, return it and then call
>> xmldoc_open_mem on the unserialized return string, it works fine.
>> But it doesn't like it if I do the above.  I'm getting the error:
>> Warning:  dump_mem() [function.dump-mem]: Underlying object missing 
>> or of invalid type
>> Warning:  dump_mem() [function.dump-mem]: Cannot fetch DOM object
>> Why isn't the serialization of the DOM object not working that way?

CB> I just had a thought...   Is it because the DOM structure of the XML document
CB> is stored only in the memory for the page?  And the pointer to that memory 
CB> isn't transferred when the DOM object is serialized, stored and retrieved?

CB> Chris

Try encoding like this:

$retval = base64_encode(serialize( domxml_open_mem( $xml )));

and on the next page:

$xml = unserialize(base64_decode($xml));

It works via html but don't know enough about soap

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