you must prepend $DirToCheck to $file:

filemtime($DirToCheck . $file)

Christopher J. Crane wrote:

I am trying to parse through a directory and get the modification dates of
the file.

$DirToCheck = "tempdata/";
if ($handle = opendir($DirToCheck)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;$file - Last Modified: " . date("F d Y H:i:s.",
filemtime($file)) . "<br>\n";

All the files are coming back with a date of December 31 1969 19:00:00. What
am I doing wrong? The next step is I want to check if the file is older than
30 minutes and if so, I want to delete it. How would I go about that?

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