repost [no response]

I searched MARC first, but none of the "answers" there seemed to work.  I have 
noticed similar issues on there, but the only answers are "make sure you 
compiled with package X".

  RH 8
  Apache 1.3.27 (--prefix --enable-module=so)
  PHP 4.2.3     (--with-apxs --enable-ftp --with-esoob --with-mcrypt
                 --with-curl --with-openssl)
  Openssl 0.9.7
  Mcrypt 2.5.3  (--disable-posix-threads)
  Curl 7.10.2   (--enable-ftp --enable-http --with-ssl)

No errors during installation.  Apache/PHP loads without error.

phpinfo shows mcrypt and curl support, yet both error out on basic functions 
(mcrypt_module_open, curl_init)(PHP Fatal Error: call to undefined function...)

mcrypt           support enabled 
version          >= 2.4.x 
Supported        ciphers twofish rijndael-128 rijndael-192 rijndael-256 
                 saferplus rc2 xtea serpent safer-sk64 safer-sk128 cast-256 
                 loki97 gost threeway cast-128 blowfish des blowfish-compat 
                 tripledes enigma arcfour panama wake  
Supported modes  ofb cfb nofb cbc ecb stream ncfb ctr  

mcrypt.algorithms_dir /usr/local/lib/libmcrypt 
mcrypt.modes_dir      /usr/local/lib/libmcrypt

CURL support     enabled 
CURL Information libcurl/7.10.2 OpenSSL/0.9.6b zlib/1.1.4 
Any help appreciated.


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