> @MYSQL_QUERY("UPDATE d SET h='$h' WHERE id='$id'"); // this
 > query doesn't work!!!!

Personally, I'd call it bad programming practice to do a database update
and not check to see if it worked or not.  In this case, how are you
determining that the query did not work?  Are you manually checking the
database?  You don't have anything in your code to check the status of
this query.

Perhaps this might get you somewhere:

$qid = @mysql_query("UPDATE d SET h = '$h' WHERE id = '$id'");

if (isset($qid) && mysql_affected_rows() == 1)
  echo "query executed";
} else {
  echo "query failed: " . mysql_error();

At least this way you might get some indication of where the problem is.

CYA, Dave

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