
On 01/06/2003 08:22 AM, Cesar Aracena wrote:
I've been trying to make my way around a complex mailing system for the
past couple of days with no success, but now I noticed that I can't just
send a simple:

mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "My Subject", "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3");

I used to make this scripts work all the time before using the same
hosting but something changed now... is there a way to see what's going
on using phpinfo.php or other way???
mail() is a problematic function that often fails without a clue. Sometimes it is a problem in PHP configuration, some times it is a problem in the actual mail implementation and other times it is a mail server problem.

I think what is more important to start having an idea is for you to tell if you are hosted under Unix/Linux or Windows.


Manuel Lemos

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