I want to share the code (php-extension) I have included into php-4.2.2 to support CDK widgets (http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/hci/cdk/?file=cdk.tar.gz&type=listing) to enable PHP to use text based "GUI" in terminal environment.
CDK supports:
-Alphalist (list with alphanumeric search)
-Calendar dialog box
-Entry field with type masking
-Scale field
-2 dimension graphics (text mode)
-Histogram display
-Item list field
-Marque (text box in movement)
-Matrix field
-Selection field
-Slider field
-Radio button
-Template field
CDK is very complete library to handle text based objects with ncurses.
What I have included from it to php is:
-Entry field
Right now we use it at Agua y Saneamiento de Toluca (a Mexican Government Office) and it has been very usefull. The code is located in ext/cdk directory , it doesn't include all the CDK features, it is like 10% of it right now, but the interface is already there and open to developers who want to extend it:
Best regards

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