Hello Paul,

well problem is this: you don't have defined variable $action....maybe
you are not posting it correctly from form...what is on first 12

try to add $action="value"; on line 12...just define any suitable

Best regards,
 Martin                          mail   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                 mobile +421.907.303.393
                                 icq    34358414
                                 www    http://www.corwin.sk

PGP key fingerprint  21365ca05ecfd8aeb1cf19c838fff033

"In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, 
 men were real men, women were real women and small furry 
 creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures 
 from Alpha Centauri."

                                        by Douglas Adams

Wednesday, January 8, 2003, 11:43:12 PM, you wrote:

PF> Can anyone see a problem in this?  When i run the script i am getting this
PF> error "Notice: Undefined variable: action in
PF> C:\www\Apache2\htdocs\user_poll\2\addpoll.php on line 13"

PF> <?
PF> // addpoll.php
PF> // Case Study 1: User Poll - Foundation PHP for Flash

PF> // If the form has been submitted...
PF> (line 13) if ($action == "add") {
PF>     // Include config file
PF>     include('common.php');

PF>     // Connect to database
PF>     $link = dbConnect();

PF>     // Get date for new poll
PF>     $posted = time();

PF>     // Build query to insert new poll
PF>     $query = "INSERT INTO polls (question, option1, option2, option3,
PF> posted)
PF>               VALUES('$question', '$option1', '$option2', '$option3',
PF> $posted)";

PF>     // Execute query
PF>     $result = @mysql_query($query);

PF>     // If query failed...
PF>     if (!$result) {
PF>         // Display error
PF>         print "<font color=\"#ff0000\">Could not insert poll</font><br>\n";
PF>     } else {
PF>         print "<font color=\"#0000ff\">Poll added</font><br>\n";
PF>     }

PF>     mysql_close($link);
PF> }
PF> please anyone

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