I need to be able to just extract the number that is right Under
blocks in this example it is the number 57070. This was generated by
the quota -g groupname command.

Disk quotas for group site53 (gid 165):
     Filesystem  blocks   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
      /dev/hda4   57070  307201  307200            1146       0       0 

I have tried using some of the string
functions like I used
$test=strstr ($test, "hda");
$test= substr("$test",7);
This well get me up to the start of the number but now I need to get
read of every thing after the number.
Is there a better way of getting this info or for striping all the
other stuff away.

Best regards,
 rdkurth                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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