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"Daevid Vincent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote... :

> I've posted this a few weeks ago with no response. I want to use an
> external
> "email template" as it were, so that the sales guys can edit it as they
> like and simply shuffle the variables around that they need
> $username and $password (either with or without the <?php ?> tags).
> I don't want them mucking around in my code and potentially screwing it
> up. Not to mention having a huge 'email' text in between those
> HTMLMESSAGE markers is ugly as hell and ends up making the color-coding
> in HomeSite all kinds of whack at the end of it.
> I tried to use:
> $message = <<<HTMLMESSAGE
>   include("/pathto/customer_email.php");
> But $message has the literal string
> ''include("/pathto/customer_email.php");'' instead of including the
> file. Grr.. (wouldn't it make sense that an include() should be parsed
> FIRST with the contents put in place basically? This seems like a 'bug'
> not a feature.
> I also tried:
> $filename = "/pathto/customer_email.php";
> $fd = fopen ($filename, "r");
> $message = fread ($fd, filesize ($filename));
> fclose ($fd);
> But all the $username, etc. are treated as literals and if I use
> <?=$username?> in the customer_email.php the field is blank (like it's
> being parsed but doesn't have a value for it or something), instead of
> being converted to their actual PHP values. I also tried to put the
> "global" keyword in the customer_email.php file at the top.
> Ideally I would like to set things up so we have varoius form letter
> emails and I can switch them around based upon say a "special order
> code", where the $user/$pw is always the same (depending on the database
> user of course), but the email content is different formats.
> Is there no way to accomplish this? Am I not being clear on what it is
> I'm trying to accomplish?
> My final thought is to use some regex to search for <?=$username?> in
> $message after it's all been read in, and replace it with the variable
> $username or make up my own tag codes like [!username!] or something
> like that. This seems like such a hack, when PHP should be able to do
> this natively somehow.
> Surely somebody out there has had to do this type of thing?
> -- 
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