If the server crashes, it is definetly NOT fault of your scripts, the server/php should return errors when there is something wrong, not crash. Remember that on multithreaded server you are taking other requests down too. The server, php, some extenssion might have been miscompiled, wrong versions of libraries are used, there is a bug, anything. But you should not be able to take server down from a script language.
Take a look at extenssions used, if any of them is unstable/experimental

Justin French wrote:

Just as an update, the sysadmin definitely thinks it's my code... I'm not
convinced, but I'm faced with the task of finding out :)

It appears your site is causing the webserver to segfault (crash), which is
why nothing comes up some times - these crashes are logged in the main Apache
logfile, which is why you saw nothing in your site logfile when this happened.
I don't know exactly what is causing it to crash, but it is definately
something in your PHP code.

I asked for a copy of the logfiles she talked about:

[Wed Jan 15 08:23:32 2003] [notice] child pid 8153 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)
[Wed Jan 15 08:34:57 2003] [notice] child pid 7702 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)
[Wed Jan 15 08:34:58 2003] [notice] child pid 7366 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)
[Wed Jan 15 08:34:59 2003] [notice] child pid 7511 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)
[Wed Jan 15 08:35:00 2003] [notice] child pid 7512 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)

Not very helpfull :)

As far as I can tell, the error I receive (basically a "document contained
no data" error) is the result of the server shitting itself because of
ANOTHER script on my site, that was accessed before it.

This makes debugging even worse, because I don't even know what script to
look in!

It could be in any include()'d file in my header or footer, or the guts of
any script on my site!! Yay!!

The other possibility is that the crash occurs on the actual script I'm
calling, which IS a bit easier to debug... I think!

The sysadmin has pretty much ruled out memory leaks:

I checked the httpd processes
to see if any memory was leaking (if the memory usage climbs constantly,
memory is being leaked), but it was all fine.

Has any one got any suggestions on how I might track down this bug, or
ascertain which script/include file is causing the server to segfault?


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