Here we go again.

I installed Apache and it works fine, I then installed PHP and all tests
show it works fine - but when I try to get the PHP modules loaded for Apache
in httpd.conf, the Apache server won't start again. The only error I get is
a Windows error box that says "The requested operation has failed". The
event viewer shows:

The Apache service named reported the following error:
>>> Cannot load E:/Apache2/bin/php4apache.dll into server. The specified
module could not be found.

Well, the file(s) are in the appropriate place(s) as outlined in the PHP
install guide (below). So I'm at a loss as to where to go next. This is a
perfect testement as to why not to use Windows.....I guess I am just a
sucker for punishment.
Any help is appreciated.


  Installing PHP for Apache as module

  Now that version 4.1 introduces a safer sapi module, we recommend
  that you configure PHP as a module in Apache.

  To accomplish this, you have to load the php4apache.dll in your
  Apache httpd.conf.

  !! NOTE !!
  Whereever you load php4apache.dll from, php4apache.dll also
  needs the php4ts.dll also included in the PHP4 distribution.
  php4apache.dll depends on php4ts.dll which is loaded as soon as
  Apache loads php4apache.dll. If php4ts.dll can't be found, you
  usually get an error like (also see the "Problems?" section at
  the end of the file):

    Cannot load c:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll into server

  So where does php4ts.dll has to be to be properly loaded ?
  php4ts.dll is searched in the following order:

  1) in the directory where apache.exe is start from
  2) in the directory where php4apache.dll is loaded from
  3) in your %SYSTEMROOT%\System32, %SYSTEMROOT%\system and
     %SYSTEMROOT% directory.
     Note: %SYSTEMROOT%\System32 only applies to Windows NT/2000/XP)
  4) in your whole %PATH%

  Note: What is %SYSTEMROOT% ? Depending on your Windows
        installation this may be for example c:\winnt or C:\windows

  Usually you would just copy it over to %SYSTEMROOT%\System32.
  But if you want to have multiple PHP installations (for
  whatever reason) this is a bad idea. For this circumstance the
  safest thing is to let php4ts.dll reside in the same directory
  where php4apache.dll is loaded from (see point 2 above).

  After you've set up the file layout properly, you're ready to
  finally configure Apache to load the PHP4 module. Just add the
  following lines to your httpd.conf:

   LoadModule php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll
   AddModule mod_php4.c
   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

  Note: Especially newer versions of Apache do not need the
        AddModule directive anymore, your milage may vary.

  Where do I have to put the php.ini ?
   The php.ini files is only searched in two places:
   1) in your Apache installation directory (e.g. c:\apache\apache)
   2) in your %SYSTEMROOT% directory.

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