Hello Guys,

I want alternating colours in the output table. Can someone tell me what is wrong with 
this code? I get the data but no alternating colours.

Quote :

 $cols = array('#ff0000','#00ff00');
     $i = 0;
      echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$cols[$i++%2].'">';
    Print "<td width=\"12%\" align=\"center\" height=\"6\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFbf\"><font 
face=\"Tahoma\" color=\"#000000\">" ;
 Print   "<b> <font size=\"2\" color=\"ff0000\"> $row[OrgName] </b></font>";
 print "</font>  &nbsp;</td>";
 Print "<td width=\"12%\" align=\"center\" height=\"6\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFbf\"><font 
size=\"2\" face=\"Tahoma\" color=\"#000000\">" ;
 Print  $row[Country]; 
 print "</font>  &nbsp;</td>";
 Print "<td width=\"12%\" align=\"center\" height=\"6\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFbf\"><font 
size=\"2\" face=\"Tahoma\" color=\"#000000\">" ;
 Print  $row[Date]; 
 print "</font>  &nbsp;</td>";
 Print "<td width=\"12%\" align=\"center\" height=\"6\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFbf\"><font 
size=\"2\" face=\"Tahoma\" color=\"#000000\">" ;
 Print  $row[Number]; 
 print "</font>  &nbsp;</td>";
 Print "<td width=\"12%\" align=\"center\" height=\"6\" bgcolor=\"#b7b700\"><font 
size=\"2\" face=\"Tahoma\" color=\"#000000\">" ;
 Print "<form action=\"fullmarks.php\" method=\"post\">";
    Print"<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" value=\"View details\" Name=\"Details\">";
    Print"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SelectedItemNumber\" value= $row[Id]";
     print "</td>";
     Print "</form>";
    Print "</tr>";}



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