I have done something similar:
write a script that takes an Article ID, and displays the text. So to
displat article #3, you would call it like getArticle.php?id=3.
Skelton for getArticle.php
- take id and store in $id
- Select FullBody from Articles where ID = $id
- $body = query['FullBody']
- then echo $body

That's the basic idea, if you have any problems email me and post to the

"M.E. Suliman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi
> I have created a simple script that pulls the three latest news entries
> a mySQL database and displays it on a webpage.   At the end of the preview
> paragraph of the news story there is a hyperlink to access the full text
> specific to that preview.  How would I do this?  Any ideas would be
> appreciated.
> Mohamed

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