> You can easily get an webpage with:
>  $fp = fopen("http://www.mydomain.com/";, "r");
>  if ($fp) exit;
>  while(!feof($fp))
>  { $line .= fgets($fp, 4096);
>  }
>  fclose($fp);
>  print $line;
> But this doesn't work with https (SSL). How can I get an https-page?

Use PHP 4.3.0 with OpenSSL enabled and you can do fopen("https://...";)

If you can't do that, then use CURL, like others have mentioned.

If that's not an option, install lynx and make an exec call for lynx to
open and return the page to you (any web browser would work, actually,
as long as you can pass it an https request)

---John W. Holmes...

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