PHP does not yet support private methods ... your problem with getValue() is
most probably because register_globals is off in your php.ini try
substituting $_POST[] for $HTTP_POST_VARS[] and it may start to work...

-----Original Message-----
From: Nicholas Wieland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 21 January 2003 14:13
Subject: [PHP] Form Validating Class (OOP misunderstandings...)

Hello everybody,
I'm working on a class but having a lot of problems... probably my
understanding of PhP-OOP is not so good ...
Here's the class: I found it on the web and I've tried to personalize
it to fit my needs...


class FormV
        var $errorList;

        function FormV()

        function getValue( $field )
                $value = $HTTP_POST_VARS[ $field ];
                return $value;

        function isEmpty( $field, $msg )
                $value = $this->getValue( $field );

                if( trim( $value ) == "" )
                        $this->errorList[] = array( "field" => $field,
"value" => $value, "msg" => $msg );
                        return true;
                        return false;


        function isString( $field, $msg )
                $value = $this->getValue( $field );

                if( is_string( $value ) )
                        return true;

                        $this->errorList[] = array( "field" => $field,
"value" => $value, "msg" => $msg );
                        return false;

        function isEmail( $field, $msg )
                $value = $this->getValue( $field );
                $pattern =

                if( preg_match( $pattern, $value ) )
                        return true;

                        $this->errorList[] = array( "field" => $field,
"value" => $value, "msg" => $msg );
                        return false;

        function isError()
                if( sizeof( $this->errorList ) > 0 )
                        return true;

                        return false;

        function get_errorList()
                return $this->errorList;

        function reset_errorList()
                $this->errorList = array();

        function stringConvert( $field )
                $value = $this->getValue( $field );

                $value = html_special_chars( $value );

                $value = stripslashes( $value );

                $value = strtolower( $value );

                return $value;



I think that the getter is *totally* wrong but I'm not able to debug
it, because it's private (I think...). Also the stringConvert() method
sucks, maybe I'll split it in some others accessor methods, for a
better design.
Now I'm totally lost, I don't have a clue how to continue, I've tried
for hours and hours to make it work, but didn't succeed :(
Any suggestion on improving and other enhancment for a good form
validating class is really really appreciated.


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