> I'm currently developing a PHP/MySQL project, one aspect of which
> involves displaying a default set from the database which picks out
> records for whichever individual is associated with the most recent
> date. I know this is a very general description, but I don't think
> necessary to burden list members with further detail, nor to pass on
> details of my table structures.
> Suffice it to say that I successfully achieved my goal with MySQL from
> the command line, but I'm not sure how to write this functionality
> my PHP code.
> In MySQL, the following sequence of commands works the magic:
>       SELECT @most_recent:=MAX(date)
>               FROM presenters;
>       SELECT @recent_presenter:=presenter
>               FROM presenters
>               WHERE date = @most_recent;
>       SELECT p.date, p.theme, p.presenter,
>               c.itemNo, c.composer, c.composition, c.note
>               FROM presenters p, compositions c
>               WHERE p.date = c.date AND p.presenter =
>               ORDER BY p.date DESC;
> So how do I transfer all this to PHP?

Pretty sure you can do all that with one query. Something like:

SELECT p.date, p.theme, p.presenter,
c.itemNo, c.composer, c.composition, c.note
FROM presenters p, compositions c
WHERE p.date = c.date

Not sure, though, as I don't have time to test right now.

---John W. Holmes...

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