Greg wrote:
Unfortunatly, that gets rid of the reason I have the iframe in there to
begin with.  I need a scrollable iframe with a set of buttons that perform
certain actions at the top, that have to always be at the top.

in that case you either need to try getting some javascript to pass the info between frames - or see if there is some style sheet wizadry (fixed size divs, visible area, clipping ...???) that will produce the same effect on an acceptable proportion of browsers

"Sean Burlington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
.uk> wrote in message

Greg wrote:

Here's the basic layout of my html page, this isn't the real html, just

basic idea.

<form action="test.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="test1">

<iframe src = iframetest.php></iframe>

<input type="button" label="Submit">

Now inside iframetest.php I have a few check boxes that I want test.php

be able to access.  Is there any way to do this?

not directly ..

 the form does not 'contain' the iframe - in fact the iframe is a
different page ...

so form elements within the iframe page will not be a part of the form
submission process

you /might/ be able to do something with javascript inter-frame
communication - but I doubt you would want to (and the iframe doesn't
sound like a valid page which could cause problems)

what would probably make more sense would be to make the 'html' page
include iframetest.php'


<form action="test.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="test1">

<?php include("/path/iframetest.php"); ?>

 <input type="button" label="Submit">


then you form elements will be properly contained within the form



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