I use this:
   $name=strtr( $name,
" ?*#$%^:+=<>/\"",

Victor wrote:

I DO want preserve the filenames, and the pluses come from the user
(beta testers that deliberately try to hack the script) . all I want to
do is make sure the the script doeasnt breack when a user uploads a file
that has the + character in it's name.

- Vic

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Whitney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 5:32 PM
To: Victor
Subject: RE: [PHP] + in filenames


What are you trying to accomplish?
Do you want to preserve the original filename?
Why not give uploaded files uniformly unique names?

In other words, where are the +'s coming from?

So, a little more detail, please!


Quoting Victor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

### Here is some sample code:
### ### ________________________________________________
### ### $file_name = explode(".", $_FILES['picture']['name']);
### $name = str_replace('', '_', $file_name[0]);
### # check if file uploaded is good
### if ### (
### !in_array($_FILES['picture']['type'],
### $file_type) ### || trim($_FILES['picture']['tmp_name']) == "" ### || trim($_FILES['picture']['tmp_name']) ==
### "none"
### )
### {
### echo ('You can upload a JPG or JPEG filetype
### only.');
### exit;
### }
### # Add slashes to prevent certain errors
### $picture_name = strip_tags($_FILES['picture']['name']);
### $picture_name = addslashes($picture_name);
### $picture_name = str_replace("\r\n", "", $picture_name);
### $picture_name = str_replace(" ", "", $picture_name);
### ### ____________________________________________________
### ### -----Original Message-----
### From: Richard Whitney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] ### Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 5:12 PM
### To: Victor
### Subject: Re: [PHP] + in filenames
### ### Some sample code would help, but maybe try urldecode('$filename');
### ### RW
### ### Quoting Victor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
### ### ### I have a file upload field, and some filename checking code, but
### ### breaks the code whenever a + is inside the filename it verifies
### space
### ### and other tags but breaks on + in the name. Anyone know a fix
### this
### ### please? ### ### ### ### - Vic
### ### ### ###
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### ### ### ### ### ### ### -- ### Richard Whitney
### Transcend Development
### Producing the next phase of your internet presence.
### http://xend.net
### 602-971-2791
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