Okay, so I want to open a file, get a small number from it (less than 3
digits) then overwrite a new number (incremented the original by 1) and
close the file.

The goal is to do this in the fastest way possible .. I don't like having to
open the file more than once to do this.

I've tried:
$cfile = fopen("lcnt.txt", 'r+');
$lcnt = fgets($cfile,10);

This results in $lcnt having a value of 1 (from value in text file)

Now, if I increment it:

$nc = $lcnt+1;

then write it back to the file:

$nul = fwrite($cfile, $nc);

It writes starting at where the last read left off -- I want to start at
zero offset so to overwrite the existing value. I can't find a method for
resetting the offset pointer without having to close the file and reopen it
with w+

There must be a simpler way to do this and I have a mental block.

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