Geckodeep schrieb:
> Thanks Goetz
> But how can I apply this having:
> Path to the folder is $folder='images/repor_images';       // path to the
> image.
> My 9image variables are $image1, $image2, $image3,. and the code to call the
> image
> <?php print "<img alt='$title' border=0 width= '103' heigth = '70'
> src=\"$folder/$image1\">" ?>
> Thanks again.

I should do coding the whole page I gues ;-)

First of all some things to mention about:
1. Better store only filenames in the database and leave
   the images in the directory, cause you have to copy then
   to a location anyway to get it by an browser
2. Use an array of $image[] instead of numbering them
   like $image1, $image2, ... (you have to use eval to
   work with the numbers or have to write the code more
   than once !)

Ok here it goes:

  // guess you have JPEG images
  // --------------
  $nr = 1;        // start numbering your images
  $maxsize = 150; // maximum size in one direction
  // ---------------
  while($nr <= 9) {
    $img = @imagecreatefromjpeg ("$folder/$image[$nr]"); // try to open
    if (!$im) {
      echo "ERROR loading image $folder/$image[$nr] ";
      exit 1;
    } else {
      $imagehw = GetImageSize($img);
      $w = $imagehw; // width
      $h = $imagehw; // height
      // prevent division by zero
      if (($h ==0) || ($w==0)) exit;
      // get new size according to max size
      if ($h>$w) {
        $new_h = $maxsize; // new height
        $new_w = (int) (($maxsize * $w) / $h); // casting to int !
      } else {
        $new_w = $maxsize; // new width
        $new_h = (int) (($maxsize * $h) / $w); // casting to int !
      // build dummy image
      $thumb = imagecreate ($new_w, $new_h);
      // resize old image
      // maybe use tempname() to generate a temporary file name or
      // create name of thumbnail file like: *.jpg ==> *.png
      // save png image to same directory as jpg
      @imagepng ($thumb,"$folder/$tumbnail"); // hope we could write
      // leave the temporary data ...
      // finished work
      // -------------------
      // show image
      echo "<img alt=\"$title\" border=\"0\" width=\"$new_w\" ".
           "heigth=\"$new_h\" src=\"$folder/$tumbnail\" >";
    $nr++; // next image

maybe there might better ways but thats just a fast hack to work ...

 @  Goetz Lohmann, Germany   |   Web-Developer & Sys-Admin
\/  ------------------------------------------------------
()  He's the fellow that people wonder what he does and
||  why the company needs him, until he goes on vacation.

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