I know this is in the archives, but I couldnt seem to find the answer I needed.  I 
am running redhat8, apache 2.0.44, and php 4.2.2.
I am trying to write a script that will emulate the IIS server and request NTLM auth. 
from the browser.  And then decode the base64? information and compate the user 
information against a ldap function that connects to a active directory server.  I 
know that you must modify the header with the header() command.  I have done that, and 
the most I get in one line of information back from the browser.  There is suppose to 
be three lines of encoded information sent back.   If anyone has any code or knows the 
complete hand shake or anything really, I would really like the help. This is a really 
big project at my company, and they are considering moving to a linux platform and 
even PHP.  But if I can't make the same stuff work that their w2k cold fusion platform 
does.  It's not going to work so well.

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